Drain Fly

Drain flies, which has a fuzzy look, may colonize your kitchen sinks and bathroom sinks, and feed on organic debris and sewage in your pipes. Although drain flies doesn't spread illness, their population may increase if not controlled.

1. Regular Drain Cleaning

The number one recommendation for controlling drain flies is periodic drain cleaning to avoid blockages (and thereby removing the ideal breeding habitat for drain flies). Not only are expert drain cleaning services useful for reducing drain flies, but also for avoiding costly repairs. Not only are expert drain cleaning services useful for reducing drain flies, but also for avoiding costly repairs.

2. Eliminate the Breeding Site (the Clog):

Spotting drain flies is indicative of a blockage in your sink. In this scenario, most experts would suggest hiring a professional drain cleaning service, but you will also find a do-it-yourself alternative below:

  • Cleanse the Hair Trap.

This process is intended to eliminate any possible spots where flies may have set eggs. Remove the hair trap and thoroughly clean it.

  • Clean Pipes

The next action is to use a metal pipe brush to clean the pipes. Push the brush as deep down the drain as possible, then rotate it as you gently pull it back up.

  • Utilize a Plumbing Snake to Remove Any Persistent Grime

Ensure care while using a plumbing snake. If you've never used a plumbing snake before and are uncomfortable, you should skip this step. However, if you want to continue, put it into the pipes and twist it to remove any lingering filth.

  • Apply Gel Drain Cleaner to the rim of the drain.

Next, pour 4 ounces of gel drain cleaner along the drain's perimeter. Before moving on to the following stage, let the drain cleaner rest for several hours. This procedure may need to be repeated daily for up to a week.

  • Flush with Water and Use Plunger to Eliminate Any Remaining Grime

The last step is flushing the sink with water and then using a plunger to eliminate any remaining debris. Adult flies will continue to survive for around 20 days, but as they have nowhere to deposit their eggs, the issue will cease to exist once they expire.

Adult flies will continue to survive for around 20 days, but as they have nowhere to deposit their eggs, the issue will cease to exist once they expire.

  • Employ an insect growth regulator

A growth regulator is sprayed into the drain along the drain lines. This prevents the eggs from maturing beyond the larval stage.

The presence of drain flies is another reason why regular drain cleaning is essential. Contact our team of specialists at Order a Plumber Inc. immediately if you want drain cleaning services. We have been in business for 15 years and provide reasonable prices. Contact us at +631-234-0687 today.
