Rusty water coming from sink faucet

Rusty, brown water flowing from your taps or shower is one of the most shocking sights a homeowner may see. Imagine standing under the shower, enjoying the cold, pleasant water, and then opening your eyes to discover a murky, discolored stream flowing over you. This is not only a common problem, but it also occurs often to many individuals. This section explains why your water may be rusted or discolored and what you can do to fix the problem.

What Causes Its Color?

Before you stress out at the sight of muddy, black water, realize that it is not what it seems to be! The brown water coming out of your faucet is neither excrement, garbage, or sewage. Reddish, yellowish, or brown water is often the result of mineral deposits, silt, or corroded pipes. Iron and manganese are typical offenders. Remember that rusty brown water may also have an unpleasant odor and flavor, so if you notice anything peculiar while drinking tap water, investigate more.

How Harmful Is It?

Many homeowners who may have never faced this issue fear that the dark, discolored, or murky water poses a threat to their health or safety. Typically, that's not the case, and the discolored water is neither poisonous nor toxic. Although it depends on the minerals and sediments creating the problem, iron and manganese in tap water are not harmful. However, they alter the color, odor, and flavor of the water and may stain clothing and cause hives in the short term. Rusted pipes, if left untreated, may be hazardous and a breeding ground for germs, as well as cause more damage to your pipes exposing them to other impurities. Nevertheless, there is no reason for alarm if you accidently drank or bathed in the water before understanding it was contaminated. Just don't make it a habit or continue to consume it, since this is not advisable.

Causes of Water Discoloration

Now that we've addressed what truly contributes to the dark, murky color of discolored tap water, we can discuss some of its primary causes. Bare in mind that your water's discoloration might be due to a variety of causes, or perhaps numerous causes. There may be an issue with your main water supply line or a broken fire hydrant nearby. The following are among the most frequent causes of discolored tap water:

  1. New or Broken Water Pipes

This is the most frequent cause of discolored, brown water supply in households. Have you replaced your water pipes recently? The disturbance and shift in pressure created by the switch may have allowed some old rust to enter your water system and become visible. If you haven't recently updated your pipes, it's possible that your present water pipes are broken and need to be changed.

  1. Construction

Debris and silt from nearby construction might contaminate your water source. Take a glance outdoors to see if there are any new projects or structures being constructed nearby. Typically, if this is the problem, the water should function normally within a couple of hours.

  1. Corroded Pipes

Pipes in your water supply that are rusty or corroded are another typical cause of discolored water from your faucet. Rust may break out from these pipes and contaminate your water supply. This will occur more often and become more obvious as the water pressure increases and the flow rate increases.

  1. Water Heater Problems

Establish if the discolored water originates from simply hot water or both cold and hot water to determine whether your water heater is the cause of the problem. If the water is only rusted or discolored while the hot water is on, the problem is likely caused by a water heater that has to be changed or cleansed. If that's the issue, you may want to have your heater examined and repaired.

What To Do

If you observe a change in the color of your water, you should run it on cold for 30 mins to see if it clears. If this does not resolve the issue, you may want to check with your neighbors to see if they're already experiencing problems. If they are also experiencing issues, it could be something that your town's utilities company can evaluate and fix. If you're the only one experiencing a problem, call a professional who can inspect your pipes and resolve the issue. At Order a Plumber Inc., our plumbers and technicians provide both business and residential water services.

You should now be better ready to deal with corroded pipes in a calm and effective way. While you should work fast to remedy the problem for the sake of your family's comfort, you can be confident that it is probably not as harmful or unpleasant as it seems.

For additional information on plumbing and water services, as well as assistance with corroded pipes, please contact Order a Plumber Inc. at 631-234-0687 or via this form.
