plunger, pipes and gloves

While most homeowners worry about plumbing problems in the winter, plumbing problems may also arise in the summer.

The arrival of warmer weather invites guests and visitors to your house. This might place additional stress on the plumbing system. In addition, our water use rises throughout the summertime as we use sprinklers, pools, and watering plants to remain cool.

However, if you are ready and alert, this additional strain on your plumbing system need not result in catastrophe. Here are the seven most typical plumbing issues throughout the summer and how to fix them:

  1. Flooding in the basement. Despite summer's reputation as the warmest season, intense storms and precipitation are sometimes possible. These rainstorms might result in house flooding, which can be expensive to fix. Prepare for the potential of flooding by ensuring that your sump pump is in working order after the winter. Additionally, you may choose to put a drain cap in your sewage line to avoid any backups.
  1. Sink disposal blockages. With more guests and more food served, it is unavoidable that there would be more leftovers throughout the summer. This excessive use of the disposal in your kitchen sink might lead to obstructions. There are many methods for preventing this from occurring in your house. The first is to have a clear understanding of what may and cannot be placed at your disposal. Consider storing food scraps in a compost heap to prevent clogging. Avoid pouring oils down the drain, since they may rapidly cause drainage issues. In addition, flush your drains periodically with vinegar and warm water to avoid foul odors.
  1. Clogged toilets. More guests equals more people using the restroom. This additional use may cause blockages and backups. Reminding your children and visitors of correct bathroom etiquette, such as avoiding flushing too much tissue, is a good idea. Additionally, only tissue and organic waste should be flushed, and a plunger should always be on hand. While this device can assist with the majority of toilet blockages, there are situations when you will need to contact a professional plumber.
  1. Sprinkler damage. Prior to using your sprinklers to irrigate your lawn, it is essential to examine them for damage. Repairing sprinkler components might help save money on water costs and prevent the system from overworking. Throughout the summer, you should continue to examine your sprinklers to ensure that they are in excellent operating order.
  1. Washing machine capacity exceeded. Summer is an ideal time to examine the hoses of your washing machine for leaks or damage. If there are any indications that they need repair or replacement, the service should be performed immediately. It may assist you in avoiding expensive catastrophes such as floods. You may also decrease the amount of your loads to minimize difficulties caused by the excessive usage of your washing machine.
  1. Blocked shower. In the summer, many individuals like to take showers, which may block drains with sand and grit. To avoid clogging your drains, you should utilize outdoor shower at the beach and swimming pools to clean yourself. It is also vital to frequently inspect your drain for hair as well as other debris that might obstruct the flow.
  1. Outdoor tap leaks. Leaking outside faucets may strain your plumbing system and cause damage to your foundation. Once you have turned the water back onto the your outside faucets, you should check all of your faucets. If you discover a leaking faucet, contact a plumber for assistance in fixing the issue.